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In His Hands (Roy Hardinge, copyright 2012)

As the day comes to a close and darkness sneaks up on the city,

he sits alone just pondering the moments of his life.

He thinks back on the times when his days were so much simpler.

His life was just unfolding for him, his kids and wife.

And even in its simpleness it brought worry and despair.

‘Cause everything was up to him, and his heart was full of care.


And he recalls a time when their lives were in his hands

…in his hands…in his hands they grew and formed.

He recalls a time when they were in his hands

…in his hands...in his hands they grew and formed.


Step by step and day by day his family lived their lives.

Their time was filled with school and work and the stuff that life’s made of.

But time has a way of changing everything we know.

And freedom was the next step to allow his girls to grow.

And even though it hurt so bad he thought that he might die,

He knew the time was coming soon when he had to say goodbye.


And he longs for the times when their lives were in his hands

…in his hands…in his hands they grew and formed.

He longs for the times when their lives were in his hands.

...in his hands…in his hands they grew and formed.


Now his little family will grow families of their own.

They’ll start on their own journeys, just like he had done.

They’ll have the joys that come with life as well as times of dark.

They’ll work and play and fret and pray until their days are gone.

He realized that all this time the Lamb had set their course.

The strength they’d needed they’d received…the Lamb had been their source.


And all along, their lives were in His hands

…in His hands…in His hands they grew and formed.

He knows all along, their lives were in His hands.

…in His hands…in His hands they grew and formed.


He recalls a time when they were in his hands

…in his hands…