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The Man in the Road(08/10/16)

by Roy Hardinge, Copyright 2018      


Chorus       The man in the road is just like me

with hopes and dreams of what might be

The man in the road is just like me

The man in the road is just like me!


V1     The sky was clear, the sun beat down

but the clouds were there somewhere

Somewhere way back in my mind


V2     Goodbye can mean, many things

but this time it was for good

I won’t see you again


Chorus       The man in the road is just like me

with hopes and dreams of what might be

The man in the road is just like me

The man in the road is just like me!


V3     The road can go, many ways

but this time it had a plan

I won’t see you again


Chorus       The man in the road is just like me

with hopes and dreams of what might be

The man in the road is just like me

The man in the road is just like me!


V4     Goodbye can mean, many things

but this time it was for good

          The road can go, many ways

but this time it was for good


Chorus/out The man in the road is just like me

The man in the road is just like me!